Covid-19 Resource List
The Culpeper Recovers SWaM Business Grant program is made possible through a Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). The CDBG grant enables Culpeper to help businesses in the Town and County of Culpeper to pay their rent or mortgage. Each business is eligible for up to $10,000 or six months of rent/mortgage costs (whichever is reached first).
Click here for more information.
Latest update on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in the Rappahannock-Rapidan Health District
Key Points:
- All states rely on the federal government to distribute vaccine doses. Virginia’s primary distribution of doses is allocated by the Virginia Department of Health to local health districts, in proportion to each district’s population. Based on our state’s population, Virginia is currently receiving approximately 105,000 new doses per week toward our goal of achieving herd immunity. The pace of incoming doses may not significantly increase for months, although President Biden has announced plans to increase distribution by 16% in the near future. This allocation means that our health district will be receiving approximately 2,000 first doses per week for the next few months. We are working to allocate those equitably throughout the health district, using some at our central clinic at Germanna Community College and re-allocating approximately half the doses to our partners (hospitals, private clinics, or pharmacies) throughout the district. These groups may change from week to week, but they are using the health district list we have been generating from the surveys submitted.
- Additional doses reach some residents of Virginia through separate federal allocations for employees of the U.S. Department of Defense and certain other agencies; the Indian Health Service; and a federal contract with CVS and Walgreens to vaccinate residents of long-term care facilities.
- All local health districts in Virginia have moved into Phase 1b of vaccine eligibility. This means that approximately 50% of Virginia’s population is now eligible, including frontline essential workers, people aged 65 years and older, people with high-risk medical conditions identified by the CDC, and people living in correctional facilities, homeless shelters, and migrant labor camps. Frontline essential workers will be prioritized in the order listed in the Phase 1b details. Other than the healthcare workers and residents of long-term care facilities in Phase 1a, the Virginians in Phase 1b are at the highest risk of exposure to COVID-19 or serious illness if infected. If you do not fit into one of these categories, please be courteous and allow those who do to receive vaccine first.
- There are simply not enough doses available yet for everyone who is eligible to receive them. Virginia is not likely to meet the demand for Phase 1b until March or April. Unfortunately, it may be weeks or longer before vaccination appointments become available for those who have registered.
- Anyone eligible for Phase 1a or 1b based on occupation should check with their employer to see if arrangements have already been made, and should otherwise register with the local health department in the locality where they work. Anyone eligible based on age or medical condition should register with the local health department in the locality where they live. Virginia has confirmed that the District of Columbia and Maryland are following the same approach.
- The best way to let us know your interest and to get on the list is to go to and fill out the appropriate survey (see below). For those with no internet access, call 540-308-6072. Understand that you will likely need to leave a message for us to call you back. Please know that our staff is working diligently every day to reach out to those who have questions. Repeat phone calls or emails slow us down; each one means time taken away from case investigation, vaccine administration, coordinating testing, and other measures to protect the health of the community. Please be patient; we will get back to you.
- Assistance for general questions in English, Spanish, and other languages is also available through the VDH Call Center at 877-ASK-VDH3 (877-275-8343). The Commonwealth is investing in a significant expansion of call center capacity in the coming weeks, and is working with local health districts to ensure information and registration is available on their websites and by phone.
- Anyone who receives a first dose of vaccine will receive the second dose three or four weeks later as appropriate. Patients who receive their first dose through our health department clinic will receive an email inviting them to schedule their second dose approximately one week prior to the appointment due date. If anyone received a first dose through another entity, they should expect notification from that entity. In addition, there is no need to fill out a second survey for the second dose.
In other COVID-19 news, Governor Northam has extended Executive Order 72 through February 28, which maintains the 10-person limit on social gatherings, the requirement to wear masks in public places, guidelines for businesses, and other provisions.
Here are the graphs for this week:
Please continue to do those things that will mitigate further cases while we await vaccination of our entire population- wash your hands, watch your distance, wear a mask, and wait at home if you are sick.
Grant Opportunity
DominionEnergy is now again accepting applications for their grant program. The only change to our program is that businesses now do NOT have to be in arrears to receive grant funds.
Click here for information and application.
December Update
We’re touching base to quickly provide some information on the Governor’s newest Executive Order, Number Seventy-Two (2020) and Order of Public Health Emergency Nine. This Order replaces EO 67 and 63, and has an effective date of 12:01 a.m., Monday, December 14, 2020, and shall remain in full force and effect until 11:59 p.m., January 31, 2021.
We would like to bring the key changes that this new order mandates to your attention –
Modified Stay at Home Order
- All individuals in Virginia should remain at their place of residence between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.
All Public and Private In-Person Gatherings
- All public and private in-person gatherings of more than 10 individuals who do not live in the same residence are prohibited.
Restaurants, Dining Establishments, Food Courts, Breweries, Microbreweries, Distilleries, Wineries, and Tasting Rooms
- Closure of all dining and congregation areas in restaurants, dining establishments, food courts, breweries, microbreweries, distilleries, wineries, and tasting rooms between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Restaurants, dining establishments, food courts, breweries, microbreweries, distilleries, wineries, and tasting rooms may continue to offer delivery and take-out services between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.
- No alcoholic beverage shall be sold, consumed, or possessed on premises after 10:00 p.m. in any restaurant, dining establishment, food court, brewery, microbrewery, distillery, winery, or tasting room. Alcoholic beverages may continue to be sold via delivery or take-out after 10 p.m.
- Employees must wear face coverings over their nose and mouth while working at their place of employment. This includes all employees, both customer-facing and not customer facing
Recreational Sports
- For sports played indoors, spectators must be limited to 25 persons per field.
- For sports played outdoors, spectators are limited to two guests per player. The total number of spectators cannot exceed 30 percent of the occupancy load of the certificate of occupancy for the venue.
Face Coverings Required – Indoors
- All individuals in the Commonwealth aged five and older must cover their mouth and nose with a face covering, as described and recommended by the CDC, if they are in an indoor setting shared by others. This requirement applies to state and local government settings, train stations, bus stations, and intrastate public transportation, including buses, rideshares, trains, taxis, and cars for hire, as well as any waiting or congregating areas associated with boarding public transportation. This requirement shall not apply in any area under federal jurisdiction or control.
Face Coverings Required – Outdoors
- All individuals in the Commonwealth aged five and older must cover their mouth and nose with a face covering, as described and recommended by the CDC, when outdoors and unable to maintain at least six feet of physical distance from other individuals who are not Family members.
Face Coverings Required – Employees
- All employees of all businesses and essential retail businesses (Section II, subsections A and C) shall wear a face covering while working at their place of employment.
We hope everyone stays healthy, but in the event that an employee does test positive for COVID-19, please report the positive case using the Employer Positive COVID-19 Case Reporting link so our contact tracing teams and quickly identify close contacts and help prevent the spread of the virus. As we get updates, clarifications, and FAQ’s we will continue to reach out to you. Please visit Rappahannock-Rapidan’s website for information, printable signage, and the Online Complaint Form for COVID-19 Violations.
As we all implement these new changes, please remember that we’re all working together to keep ourselves, our families, and our community members safe.
Through the CARES Grant Culpeper Human Services has been awarded the opportunity to provide assistance to families who reside in Culpeper County or the Town of Culpeper. Families who have children enrolled in Public or Private school grades K-8 and have experienced an increase in child care cost or incurred lost or reduced wages from August 2020 through October 2020, directly as a result of physical school closures due to the current Pandemic, are encouraged to apply for assistance. Applications are being accepted 12/2 – 12/16 ONLY. If a family qualifies they will receive a one time grant payment.
Click here for the application and details about the application process. Please share this information with families who attend your program and with anyone in the community who may benefit. Feel free to contact me or the helpline at 540-229-4486. You may also email with any questions.
Today I spoke with Whitney Wright, Environmental Health Manager for the Virginia Department of Health – Rappahannock Rapidan Health District. Mr. Wright’s department is responsible for the enforcement of the Governor’s order related to the mitigation of the spread of COVID-19. Mr. Wright explained how the enforcement is being implemented as it relates to businesses in our District. Below are some bullet points about the enforcement of the rules from our conversation that I thought would be helpful to everyone.
Enforcement of the rules will be conducted by the Environmental Department of VDH
There are 2 full time contractors within our District that were hired to spearhead the investigation and enforcement of the Order. has a link where customers (or employees) can go to report a business for any perceived issues related to the Governor’s Order
All complaints are screened for severity or if there is even a potential infraction.
In many cases, if an infraction is believed to have occurred, it is referred to other departments as appropriate to handle.
The first time VDH engages a business that is believed to have violated the order, they will reach out by phone and explain the violation and make sure that the business understands the order and how to help keep customers and employees safe. (A verbal warning)
Mr. Wright reiterated that they are not out seeking violations but rather following up on the most egregious violations reported.
If they continue to get complaints about a business, the second step is a written warning detailing the complaint, and documenting the previous conversation that had been done on the first violation.
If yet more complaints are received, it would then move to a criminal complaint to the court. (Class 1 misdemeanor).
Mr. Wright reiterated that businesses have an important role to play in helping to slow the spread of the virus through implementing and helping to re-enforce the rules
- Social Distancing especially inside businesses
- Encouraging Customers to wear mask
- Ensuring Employees are wearing masks
- Providing Signage to educate and remind customers
- Providing hand sanitizer
- Cleaning more often
- Utilizing barriers where appropriate
- Providing fresh air where appropriate
David Silverman
Contact Us with Your Questions about the Small Business and Nonprofit $100,000 RebuildVA Grant Fund
RICHMOND—On October 28th, Governor Ralph Northam announced that Rebuild VA, a grant program to help small businesses and nonprofit organizations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, will expand eligibility criteria and increase the amount of grant money businesses receive.
Rebuild VA launched in August with $70 million from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Governor Northam is directing an additional $30 million to support the expansion of the program. Businesses with less than $10 million in gross revenue or fewer than 250 employees will be eligible under the new criteria, and the maximum grant award will increase from $10,000 to $100,000.
“We started Rebuild VA to help small businesses and nonprofit organizations navigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Governor Northam. “These changes to the program will ensure that we can provide additional financial assistance to even more Virginians so they can weather this public health crisis and emerge stronger.”
Rebuild VA will now be open to all types of Virginia small businesses that meet size and other eligibility requirements, from restaurants and summer camps, to farmers and retail shops. Businesses that previously received a Rebuild VA grant will receive a second award correlated with the updated guidelines.
Rebuild VA is administered by the Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (SBSD) in partnership with the Department of Housing and Community Development and the Virginia Tourism Corporation, and the Virginia Economic Development Partnership. Eligible businesses and nonprofits must demonstrate that their normal operations were limited by Governor Northam’s Executive Orders Fifty-Three or Fifty-Five, or that they were directly impacted by the closure of such businesses. In September, the program expanded eligibility to supply chain partners of businesses whose normal operations were impacted by the pandemic.
Rebuild VA funding may be utilized for the following eligible expenses:
- Payroll support, including paid sick, medical, or family leave, and costs related to the continuation of group health care benefits during those periods of leave;
- Employee salaries;
- Mortgage payments, rent, and utilities;
- Principal and interest payments for any business loans from national or state-chartered banking, savings and loan institutions, or credit unions, that were incurred before or during the emergency;
- Eligible personal protective equipment, cleaning and disinfecting materials, or other working capital needed to address COVID-19 response.
For additional information about Rebuild VA and how to submit an application, please visit
CONTACT the SBDC at Culpeper for assistance with your questions concerning the revised
$ 100,000 RebuildVA Grant Fund and its application process.
The Small Business Development Center at Culpeper offers free business consulting, affordable training courses, and personal referrals to local resources, guidance, insights, and connections to help your business succeed. All services given at the SBDC at Culpeper are at no cost and are strictly confidential.
Contact: David C. Reardon, Business Counselor
Culpeper Downtown Micro Marketing Leverage Grant
$30,000 Grant Fund – Open and accepting Applications –
CULPEPER – The Town of Culpeper’s Tourism and Economic Development department has launched theCulpeper Downtown Micro Marketing Leverage Grant program. Designed to stimulate new advertising, marketing and promotional activity for businesses and organizations in downtown Culpeper. Culpeper Tourism and Economic Development brings this grant program to the community with matching funds secured from a Downtown Investment Grant, made possible through the Virginia Main Street program under the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development.
Culpeper Tourism and Economic Development is collaborating with Culpeper Renaissance Inc. (CRI), Culpeper’s Main Street organization. CRI is partnering on the grant review process and will administer funds to grant recipients.
“The coronavirus has had a devastating impact on the economy. The goal of this micro grant program is to offer funds to businesses and organizations in downtown Culpeper as a first step in re-entering the marketplace to spur economic activity and consumer behavior,” offered Paige Read, Director of Tourism and Economic Development for the Town of Culpeper. “Business support, grants and COVID related loan programs to-date have primarily been focused on providing operational and payroll support. This program differs, as the eligible use of funds are geared towards marketing and advertising.”
The Culpeper Downtown Micro Marketing Leverage Grant offers businesses and organizations up to $1,500 on a reimbursement basis upon receipt of documentation of project expenses. This is a first-come first-serve open grant. There is no application deadline. For more information on the grant program, including the application, please visit: For program questions, please contact the Culpeper Tourism team by phone: 540-727-0611 or by
Governor Northam Announces Expansion of $70 Million Rebuild VA Grant Fund for Small Businesses, Nonprofits Impacted by COVID-19
~ Eligibility criteria expanded to include businesses that received federal CARES Act funds, supply chain partners affected by closures ~
RICHMOND—Governor Ralph Northam today announced that Rebuild VA, the $70 million economic recovery fund launched in August, is expanding its eligibility criteria to allow more small businesses to apply. Businesses that received funding from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and supply chain partners of businesses whose normal operations were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic are now eligible to receive grants of up to $10,000. Businesses that have received federal funds must certify that they will only use the Rebuild VA grant for recurring expenses and that the grant will not be used to cover the same expenses as the other CARES Act funds.
Rebuild VA, which is administered by the Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (SBSD), successfully launched on August 10. SBSD and its program partners, the Department of Housing and Community Development, the Virginia Tourism Corporation, and the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, made the decision to expand eligibility criteria after analysis of eligible and ineligible applications received within the first 30 days of the launch.
“When we initially launched Rebuild VA, we focused on reaching the small businesses and nonprofit organizations most in need,” said Governor Northam. “I am deeply grateful for the work of our state agencies to swiftly adjust the parameters of this program so we can assist more Virginia businesses as they weather this health crisis and build back stronger.”
Eligible businesses and nonprofits must demonstrate that their normal operations were limited by Governor Northam’s Executive Orders Fifty-Three or Fifty-Five, or that they were directly impacted by the closure of such businesses. In March, Governor Northam took executive action to protect the health and safety of Virginians, which included limiting operations for food and beverage, non-essential brick and mortar retail, exercise and fitness, entertainment and public amusement, personal care and personal grooming, and private campground and overnight summer camps. Expanded business sectors now eligible to apply for Rebuild VA grants include small hotels and bed and breakfasts lodging facilities along with film companies supporting production in the Commonwealth. Businesses that provide goods or services for those identified in one or more of the eligible business categories previously mentioned are now eligible.
Businesses must also certify that they have not received grant or loan dollars from federal, state, or local CARES Act funded programs, or if they have received CARES Act funding, that they will use the Rebuild VA grant only for recurring expenses. These businesses must also certify that the Rebuild VA funds will not be used to cover the same expenses as other CARES Act funds.
Rebuild VA still requires that businesses and nonprofit organizations must be in good standing, have annual gross revenues of no more than $1.5 million, and have no more than 25 employees.
Rebuild VA funding may be utilized for the following eligible expenses:
- Payroll support, including paid sick, medical, or family leave, and costs related to the continuation of group health care benefits during those periods of leave;
- Employee salaries;
- Mortgage payments, rent, and utilities;
- Principal and interest payments for any business loans from national or state-chartered banking, savings and loan institutions, or credit unions, that were incurred before or during the emergency;
- Eligible personal protective equipment, cleaning and disinfecting materials, or other working capital needed to address COVID-19 response.
For additional information about Rebuild VA, expanded eligibility criteria, covered expenses, and how to submit an application, please visit
The Culpeper Cares Round 2 Grant application deadline has been extended to Sunday, September 13, 2020 at 11:59 PM EST.
You can confirm that your application is complete when the “Application Complete” section in Lenderfit is marked with a green check mark.
If you have any questions about the program, please find more information here:
For questions specific to your application, please use the “Send Message” feature in Lenderfit to contact your Grant Officer.
Please note, staff will only be available to answer questions or help troubleshoot the LenderFit portal through Friday, September 11, 2020 at 5:00 PM EST. Please be sure you connect with us prior to 5PM, so we can assist you.
Tax Alert: Payroll Tax Deferral – Guidance Issued
The IRS has issued Notice 2020-65 to provide guidance on President Trump’s memorandum deferring the employee’s portion of Social Security taxes normally withheld from gross wages.
Effective for wages paid on or after September 1st, eligible employees can defer the Social Security taxes normally withheld from their compensation. This has potentially adverse effects to both the employee and the business owner. Click here to learn more.
New COVID-19 Updates
- Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) added emergency temporary standard requirements for businesses
- Karaoke is specifically noted as prohibited in Phase 3
- Water Slides are open (but not splash pads or hot tubs)
- Most business sectors are now required to post signage at the entrance of all indoor areas and at point of sale stating patrons must wear a cloth face covering in accordance with Executive Order 63
- Most business sectors are now required to post signage at the entrance that states no one with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19, if they have a positive diagnostic test for the virus that causes COVID-19 in the prior 10 days, or known exposure to a COVID-19 case in the prior 14 days, is permitted in the establishment
More Updates and Signage
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Questions and Answers
Yesterday, the Wage and Hour Division published new frequently asked questions (FAQs) for workers and employers about qualifying for paid leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) related to the reopening of schools for the new semester.
The guidance explains eligibility for paid leave relative to the varied formats and schedules schools have announced as they plan to reopen, blending in-person with distance learning.
The FAQs address whether employees qualify for paid leave when:
- A child attends a school operating on an alternate day basis;
- A parent chooses remote learning when in-person instruction is available; and
- A school begins the year with remote learning but may shift to in-person instruction if conditions change.
For more about this important FFCRA Update and the FFCRA-Questions click here.
Culpeper Cares Awards $956,742 in Small Business and 501c3 Recovery Grants
August 12, 2020 [Culpeper, VA] – The Town of Culpeper’s Tourism and Economic Development office is pleased to announce grant awards totaling $956,742 to 90 businesses and 501c3 non-profit organizations through the Culpeper Cares Small Business Recovery Grant fund. The goal of Culpeper Cares is to award cash grants to small businesses and 501c3 organizations to assist with operational costs during a time when they are experiencing a prolonged reduction in revenue and have limited or no cash flow.
The Culpeper Cares Small Business Recovery Grant fund will be opening a second round of applications on August 26, 2020, with a September 9, 2020 deadline. For profit businesses will have access to $1.8M and 501c3 non-profit organizations will have access to $355,000 in round two.
“Culpeper Cares round two eligibility criteria updates will make the fund more accessible to Culpeper businesses and organizations. We have removed the $2M annual gross receipts cap; we changed the business age eligibility from a minimum of one year, to must have opened by January 1, 2020; and we are now permitting all privately owned and operated franchise establishments access to apply,” said Paige Read, Economic Development and Tourism Director for the Town of Culpeper. “We are also excited to announce that businesses and organizations awarded in Culpeper Cares round one are eligible to apply for a second round of funding.”
“The grant fund qualifications remain the same – all applicants will need to demonstrate a 25% economic injury due to COVID-19; be a legally operating business or organization in Culpeper, Virginia; have between zero and fifty full-time equivalent employees; current on local taxes; and complete the online application while providing all requisite financial documentation required to verify eligibility” said Read.
The Culpeper Cares Small Business Recovery Grant program is funded using federal CARES Act funds provided to the Town of Culpeper and Culpeper County.
“I am pleased with the results from Culpeper Cares round one. Ninety businesses and organizations is a great start, but I know there are many more than can be helped by this grant fund. Our current economic conditions continue to create unprecedented financial challenges for our business community. The future remains uncertain, which is why we need to continue to work together and support one another. For those businesses who were not reached in round one, please reach out with questions, our economic development and tourism team are ready to assist you,” said Mayor Michael Olinger.
“Round one results are a good starting point, and with the eligibility criteria changes for round two, I anticipate we will be able to reach a wider range of businesses and organizations in our community. COVID-19 continues to disrupt Culpeper’s industries, from our restaurants to our farms, our merchants to our manufacturers. The impact to each industry may vary, but each business and organization has experienced economic injury. The Culpeper Cares grant is designed to provide short term operational relief to qualifying businesses and organizations, and I look forward to seeing the continued success of this program as we prepare to open round two on August 26th,” said Gary Deal, Chairman of the Culpeper County Board of Supervisors and West Fairfax District supervisor.
The Town of Culpeper Tourism and Economic Development is available to answer questions, review the grant requirements and help walk businesses and organizations through the application process.
To learn more about Culpeper Cares Round Two, please visit:, call 540-727-0611 or email
Culpeper Cares
Download the presentation here.
EIDL Advance
This is a message that the SBA, Office of Disaster Assistance sent out on July 1st to applicants who did not check the box for the EIDL Advance as part of the original EIDL application and whose loan status is either withdrawn or declined.
We are reaching out with good news regarding your Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) application for emergency economic relief due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. According to our records, you did not check the box to indicate that you wanted to be considered for the EIDL Advance of up to $10,000. However, the U.S. Small Business Administration is committed to help bring relief to small businesses and non-profit organizations still recovering from the economic impacts of COVID-19, so we are restoring your eligibility for the EIDL Advance.
Beginning next week, SBA will process your Advance using the information provided in your original EIDL application. The amount of your Advance is based on $1,000 per employee, up to a maximum of $10,000. As a reminder, the Advance does not have to be repaid and you do not have to qualify be approved for a loan in order to receive the Advance funds. Please note that if you also received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan from a participating lender, the amount of the Advance will be subtracted from the forgivable amount of the PPP loan (in other words, that portion of your PPP loan will not be eligible for forgiveness).
If we are able to verify and validate the information you provided in your application, your Advance will be automatically deposited into your bank account. If for some reason we are unable to successfully process your Advance, you will receive an email notification with a link to update your business and bank account information.
Phase 3
We haven’t entered Phase 3 yet but it’ll be here before we know it! Governor Northam addressed the details of this next phase last week and announced today that we’ll enter Phase 3 next month on Wednesday, July 1st 2020.
To get prepared, please review the Guidelines (Spanish Version here). They outline requirements and best practices for All Business Sectors, Social Gatherings, Restaurant and Beverage Services, Farmers Markets, Brick and Mortar Retail, Fitness and Exercise Facilities, Swimming Pools, Recreational Sports, Personal Care and Personal Grooming Services, Campgrounds and Overnight Summer Camps, Entertainment and Public Amusement, Religious Services, and Horse and Other Livestock Shows.
See Slides from Governor Northam’s Forward Virginia Phase 3 announcement here.
For our food producers, the main updates are:
- All parties, whether seated together or across multiple tables, must be limited to 250 patrons or less
- all parties must be separated by at least six feet, including in the bar area, (i.e., the six feet cannot include the space taken up by the seated guest)
- spacing must also allow for physical distancing from areas outside of the facility’s control (i.e., provide physical distancing from persons on public sidewalks)
- Buffets may be open for self-service:
- with continuous monitoring by trained staff required at food lines
- serving utensils must be changed hourly during peak meal times
- facilities must provide hand sanitizer at buffets
- employees and patrons must use barriers (e.g. gloves or deli tissue) when touching utensils
As always, please continue to keep your facilities well cleaned and sanitized, encourage social distancing and face coverings when feasible, promote good personal hygiene, post required signage in your restaurant, and practice routine monitoring of patron and employee health and symptoms (see the Guidelines for printable resources in multiple languages).
Please reach out if you have questions. We encourage you to either call our COVID-19 Hotline at (540) 316-6302, Monday – Friday, 8:30AM – 4PM, or you can email us at
Families First Coronavirus Response Act Eligibility
Today WHD launched a new online tool that guides workers through a series of questions to help them determine if they are eligible for paid sick leave or expanded family and medical leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).
Quick Tip Poster FFCRA
Quick Tip Poster FFCRA Spanish
FFCRA Poster WH1422 Non-Federal
FFCRA Poster Spanish
FFCRA Banner
WHD Response to COVID-19
Wage and Hour Guidance and The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
Webinar: The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
Wage and Hour Guidance and Compliance Assistance Materials
Resources for Employers
Call the Wage and Hour Division’s toll-free help line:
1-866-4-USWAGE (1-866-487-9243) / TTY: 1-877-889-5627
Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time
Customize 4,270+ Coronavirus poster templates
Recovery Resources for Small Businesses
As Virginia businesses and communities look forward to safely reopen, the Virginia SBDC network, and your LFSBDC, have developed the Business Recovery webpage to help owners carefully plan for and execute their businesses’ new strategy.
These detailed guidelines cover a broad range of critical considerations. While business owners can use them by themselves, they were designed to ideally be used in collaboration with an LFSBDC business consultant.
Reopening a business under current circumstances requires owners to make a careful analysis of the current situation, their capabilities, and goals. They must recognize how the market and customer has changed- the same applies to businesses that were able to continue operations. Additionally, businesses will need to calculate the new operating costs they’ll incur with additional safety measures. It might also necessitate owners to re-imagine their business concept.
The Virginia SBDC’s consultations have a solid track record of helping business owners through such considerations.
GO Virginia
People Inc. COVID-19 Forgivable Small Business Loans
U.S. Small Business Administration microloans are now available to small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in Northern Piedmont.
How does it work?
The SBA will make all payments – including principal, interest and fees – for six months following the closing date on any loan closed between March 27, 2020 and September 27, 2020. Microloans may be offered for any amount starting at $500 up to $50,000. They may be for terms from six months to six years. COVID-19 forgivable small business loans are available in all 16 Virginia counties and cities People Inc. serves.
Apply Now: Call 833-437-0115 Qualifying individuals must reside in Culpeper County, Fauquier County or Rappahannock County
General guidance
Small Businesses
FAQs for Businesses
Senior Guide to Mental Health During Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Chamber Town Halls
Technology Town Hall
brought to you by our partner, Windstar Technologies, Inc.
Financial Town Hall
brought to you by our partner, Germanna Community College
Medical Town Hall
brought to you by our partner, Wellspring Health Services
Facebook Grants
Facebook Inc. announced Tuesday that it will begin taking applications for its small business grant program in Virginia on Wednesday, April 22.
Thirty-one businesses in the Richmond region will receive a total of $125,000 in grants and 25 businesses in Northern Virginia will be awarded a total of $100,000 in grants. The grants average to around $4,000.
In order to receive grants, businesses have to be for-profit, employ between two and 50 workers, have been in business for more than a year, have suffered challenges from COVID-19 and be in or near a location where Facebook operates. There will be a special emphasis placed on investing in minority- and women-owned businesses.
Applicants will have two weeks from Wednesday, April 22, to apply before the deadline. It will take a few weeks to review applications, ask follow-up questions and announce grant recipients.
Culpeper Star Exponent
The Culpeper Star-Exponent is proud to announce the launch of our Local Marketing Grant program, which offers matching marketing funds to local businesses whose livelihood has been impacted by the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus.
The Star-Exponent has partnered with local businesses across our region to deliver their message to customers in both times of prosperity and in times of great challenge. While the coronavirus outbreak has created change and difficulties for us all, the ability of our local business community to market to their customers remains essential to their, and all of our, sustainability and recovery. Our company’s greatest assets, by far, are the local communities we serve and we’re firmly committed to supporting them through this grant program.
This program will be available to locally owned and operated businesses impacted by the COVID-19 virus, and will provide matching advertising grants for use in The Culpeper Star-Exponent and Culpeper News print and digital publications and services. This builds upon our existing commitment to our local business community through such successful initiatives as our Buy Local gift card program, and the We’re Open Directory.
Through our Local Marketing Grant program, we are enabling small business owners to access a much broader portfolio of marketing products. This program will allow us to take a far more comprehensive approach to overcoming the unique challenges our local business partners face as a result of this pandemic.
Grants will range from $250 to $15,000 each month, and will be awarded in April, May and June. Applicants may apply online at
As a trusted source of news and information for the communities we serve, we feel that we are uniquely positioned to assist our local business community during these trying times. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen record-setting trends in both pageviews and users who are accessing our content both in our printed newspaper and at These audiences present a tremendous opportunity for our local business community to get their message out to local residents each and every day.
During these uncertain times, we believe each of us can do our part to help our community come through the other side of this pandemic stronger and more united to tackle the challenges ahead. We ask that you join us in supporting our local business community in the weeks and months to follow.
Two weeks ago, we launched our Support Local Now program, which provides a free online We’re Open Directory to local businesses that are open during the COVID-19 crisis, as well as a separate directory for those who sell gift cards.
We have been very pleased by the success of this new program, which has added over 100 businesses to the two directories. Thanks to our sponsors of this program and to all of the businesses participating.
Today, Congress and the administration reached an agreement to replenish funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program following their rapid depletion in just two weeks. The bill has moved through the Senate and the House is expected to pass it on Thursday.
EIDL – An additional $60 billion has been added for the EIDL program, which 501(c)(6) organizations are eligible to access. Additionally, in the coming days, we anticipate more details on a Federal Reserve program that 501(c)(6) nonprofits may be able to access and we will share with you as soon as they are available.
PPP – An additional $310 billion for the PPP. Virginia Community Capital (VCC) has important information on how to apply to the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) now.
Follow this link for more information. Once funds are approved by Congress, the applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis, for those of you who did not apply in the first round, you need to apply now. Competition will be fierce!
Summary of the bill below.
As of April 21, 2020
The bill increases funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) by $310 billion and the Emergency Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program by $60 billion. However, the bill does not increase loan amounts or expand eligibility for PPP loans, including for any organization not already included in the CARES Act, such as 501(c)(6).
Specifically, the bill:
- Provides an additional $310 billion for the PPP, increasing the overall authorization for the program to $659 billion.
Of those funds, the bill sets aside:
o $250 billion for unrestricted PPP loans made through banks and credit unions of all sizes
o $30 billion for loans to be made by smaller banks and credit unions (with less than $10 billion in assets)
o $30 billion for loans to be made by mid-sized banks and credit unions (with assets between $10 billion and $50 billion)
- Provides an additional $60 billion for the EIDL program, with:
o $50 billion to EIDL loans (funds that must be repaid);
o $10 billion for Emergency EIDL grants (funds that may be provided as upfront grants).
o Clarifies that agricultural enterprises with less than 500 employees may receive EIDL grants and loans.
Southern Smoke Foundation
Emergency Funding Opportunity For Employees in the Food And Beverage Industry: Southern Smoke Foundation provides funding to individuals in the food and beverage industry who are in crisis.
The application process is completely anonymous. Only Southern Smoke staff will see an application in its entirety.
Please use the description area within the application to explain your individual crisis in as much detail as possible. Case Managers are assigned to cases based on the urgency of the crisis and not on a first-come-first-served basis. For instance, life-and-death cases are prioritized over car payment requests.
To qualify for emergency relief funding you must have worked in the food and beverage industry for a minimum of 6 months and an average of 30 hours per week minimum. Every applicant must show proof of such employment, so please have paycheck stubs and/or W2s available. Unfortunately, we are unable to make any exceptions.
Please have documentation available. If you are asking for help with your rent, please have your lease agreement available. If you need help with your utilities, please have your bills available.
Apply here >>
Aging Together
Be A Culpeper Local
Recession Proof Your Business – Free Ebook
U.S. Department of the Treasury, IRS and the U.S. Department of Labor announce plan to implement coronavirus-related paid leave for workers and tax credits for small and midsize businesses to swiftly recover the cost of providing coronavirus-related leave.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce:
The U.S. Chamber has released a comprehensive resource kit for businesses. View the kit here.
Please find below a list of all of the most recent guides to the aid and programs being made available to assist businesses during the ongoing pandemic, including the newest guide to the paid sick and FMLA programs.
- NEW – Guide to Coronavirus Paid Leave Programs
- Coronavirus Emergency Loans Small Business Guide and Checklist
- Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Program Guide
- Employee Retention Tax Credit Guide
- Coronavirus Small Business Guide
- Coronavirus Response Toolkit
For more U.S. Chamber information and resources, visit our U.S. Chamber page.
Support The Schools In Your Community
Many schools around the Commonwealth are in need of used CPUs and laptops to provide to students during distant learning. If your businesses has any of these items you would be willing to donate to a school in need, please contact our superintendent to learn how to provide these resources to your school district.
PPE Donations Needed to Support Healthcare Providers Responding to COVID-19.
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in dramatic increases in demand for critical medical supplies, in particular, personal protective equipment (PPE, such as N95 respirators or latex gloves). Due to this big increase in demand plus supply constraints of producers of those products, hospitals in Virginia are facing the prospect of shortages that could impact healthcare delivery. Virginia employers who may be able to donate these critically needed items (top priorities at the present time are surgical masks, N95 respirators, disposable medical gowns, latex gloves, ventilators, face shields, and COVID-19 test strips / test kits), please contact Stacie Neal, Branch Chief of the Planning Division at the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM), who will coordinate logistics. Stacie can be reached at or 804-219-6359 (mobile).
Shop Small, Shop Local
Support the local, small businesses in our community!
- Buy a gift card to your favorite local businesses.
- Shop local online and choose shipping or delivery. Many businesses are offering free online shipping!
- Order delivery or contact-free pick up from local, independent restaurants in your community.
- If you are able, skip the refund on a local show or experience.
- If you are able, consider paying or even just tipping regularly scheduled services you are unable to use like a haircut, manicure, dog walking, or house cleaning services.
- Social media – leave a review, share their posts, or comment to increase engagement.
US Chamber offers Save Small Business Fund
Small businesses are the foundation of our communities and our economy. Employing nearly half the American workforce, they keep our neighborhoods running and make them feel like home. The impacts of the coronavirus pandemic have wrought unprecedented financial uncertainty. These businesses need resources and relief — and they need it now. That’s why the Save Small Business Fund, a grantmaking initiative funded by contributions from corporate and philanthropic partners, is providing $5,000 in short-term relief to employers across the United States. These one-time supplemental cash grants are for businesses that have between three and 20 employees and operate in an economically vulnerable community. The grant application will go live on Monday, April 20 at 12:00 PM PT/3:00 PM ET. To learn more about the Save Small Business Fund and to apply for a grant, visit We’re in this together.
EIDL Programs temporarily closed
- Due to limited appropriations funding, the application portal for the EIDL–COVID-19 assistance program (EIDL loans and EIDL Advances) is temporarily closed.
- Applicants who have already submitted their applications will continue to be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
- SBA is processing EIDL applications as quickly as possible. SBA will provide those whose applications are approved with loans that will cover the business’s short-term working capital needs.
VA 30 Day FUND
Background: We are Virginians helping Virginians.
The COVID-19 crisis has put millions of small business jobs at risk impacting millions of families across our Commonwealth.
The nonprofit Virginia 30 Day Fund was launched by Virginia technology entrepreneur Pete Snyder and his wife, Burson. Working with other business leaders throughout the Commonwealth, the Fund’s goal is to help save as many Virginia jobs as possible while small businesses await recently approved federal funding.
Virginia businesses that qualify for assistance from the Fund are:
- Small businesses that employ three to 30 people;
- Based in Virginia and have been operating for at least one year;
- Owned and operated by a Virginia resident.
The funds dispersed to small businesses by the Virginia 30 Day fund do not need to be repaid. If businesses who receive the Fund’s assistance do, at a later date, wish to “pay it forward” to another Virginia small business in need of assistance, they may do so by directing those dollars back to the Fund, which will disburse the funding to another Virginia business in need.
Verizon Small Business Recovery Fund
Thanks to a $2.5 million investment from Verizon, LISC is offering grants to help small businesses fill urgent financial gaps until they can resume normal operations or until other more permanent financing becomes available.
#HEREFORGOODCPEP Opportunity for Small Independent Businesses and NonProfits
Submit your logo or design to A shirt with your image will be created and posted on the Culpeper shop site – you promote it to your clients and we will market it on our end too! $10 from each shirt sale will be given to the associated business or nonprofit This is a wonderful way to support our local businesses and is a no cost opportunity for businesses who may have limited resources at this time.
Virginia Career Works Grant Opportunity
The Virginia Career Works-Piedmont Region is proud to announce 25 reimbursement innovative aversion grants to address COVID-19 related effects on Small Businesses (250 or fewer employees). Businesses can apply for a grant to be used for the following
- Deep cleaning
- Sanitizing office space to prevent potential exposure to COVID-19
- Purchase specific software and/or computer applications that are needed to work from home or remotely to support social distancing
This funding effort is to help to provide some relief to small businesses during this crisis.
Grants will be awarded up to $3,000.00 on a first come first serve basis.
The Virginia SBDC network hosted a webinar to help you apply for Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) from the U.S. Small Business Administration. Funding is available for Virginia small businesses and non-profits.
For Businesses that are staying open, A guide for employers to plan and respond to Coronavirus.
Guidance for employers to plan and respond to the Coronavirus
Interactive safety flyer for the workplace
State and local COVID-19 Policy tracker
US Chamber Small Business Loan Guide & Checklist
Culpeper Residents Go Fund Me Account
Congress Passes the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES):
Congress has now passed, and the President has signed, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which is a $2 trillion relief bill. The 800-plus page document contains thousands of provisions covering virtually every part of the American economy. The following is an overview of the CARES Act.
Cash to Americans through Direct Payments
- Cash payments to qualified individuals of up to $1,200 ($2,400 married), with an additional $500 cash payment available per child. Trusts and estates do not qualify for the rebate.
- Full payment is available for Americans making up to $75,000 (individuals) and $150,000 (married). This applies even for those who have no income, as well as those whose income comes entirely from non-taxable means-tested benefit programs, such as SSI benefits.
- The value decreases and then phases out completely for those making over the full payment income cap. Rebate amount is reduced by $5 for each $100 that a taxpayer’s income exceeds the phase-out threshold. Complete phase-out occurs with incomes exceeding $99,000 for single filers and $146,500 for head of household filers with one child, and $198,000 for joint filers with no children.
- For taxpayers who have yet to file their 2019 income tax returns, their 2018 returns will be used to determine their eligibility for the rebate. If no 2018 return has been filed, eligibility may be determined based upon their 2019 Social Security Benefit Statement or Social Security Equivalent Benefit Statement.
- The Internal Revenue Service will attempt to use the most recent banking information on file for taxpayers to distribute funds electronically. Should that fail, they will issue paper checks.
Small Businesses Assistance Provided by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES):
The Paycheck Protection Program, one of the largest sections of the CARES Act, is – for small businesses – one of the most important provisions in the new stimulus bill. This new program sets aside $350 billion in government-backed loans. The program is modeled after the existing SBA 7(a) loan guarantee program provided by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Currently, the SBA 7(a) program guarantees small business loans that are provided by a network of more than 800 lenders across the U.S.
The Paycheck Protection Program creates a type of emergency loan that can be forgiven when used to maintain payroll through June. The program expands the existing network of lenders so that more banks, credit unions and lenders can issue those loans. The Paycheck Protection Program:
- Incentivizes small businesses to avoid laying off workers and to rehire workers that were previously laid-off as a result of COVID-19 disruptions.
- Offers loans for small businesses with fewer than 500 employees, select types of businesses with fewer than 1,500 employees and for 501(c)(3) non-profits with fewer than 500 workers, as well as some 501(c)(19) veteran organizations.
- Self-employed, sole proprietors, and freelance and gig economy workers are also eligible to apply.
- Businesses must apply for the program through an approved lender.
- Businesses may qualify even without a personal guarantee or collateral, so long as they were operational on February 15, 2020.
- The maximum loan amount under the Paycheck Protection Act is $10 million, with an interest rate no higher than 4%.
- No personal guarantees or collateral are required for the loan.
- Lenders in the program are expected to defer fees, principal and interest for no less than six months and no more than one year.
- Some or all of these loans may be forgiven. Generally speaking, as long as the small business employer continues paying employees at normal levels during the eight weeks following the origination of the loan, then the amount spent on payroll costs (excluding costs for any compensation above $100,000 annually), mortgage interest, rent payments and utility payments can be combined and that portion of the loan will be forgiven.
- NOTE: If a business owner uses an SBA EIDL Disaster Relief loan for payroll, they will not be able to use the “Payroll Protection Program” forgivable loan for that same purpose.
For more information on the Paycheck Protection Program, please visit here.
Small Business Disaster Loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration
On March 20, 2020, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) approved an SBA disaster declaration for the Commonwealth of Virginia. The disaster declaration allows SBA to provide assistance to Virginia businesses and nonprofits negatively impacted by COVID-19.
SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program can provide vital economic support to small businesses by helping to overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing due to COVID-19.
SBA’s EIDL program offers:
- Direct loans up to $2 million to businesses and nonprofits without access to available credit elsewhere.
- The interest rate on EIDL loans to businesses is 3.75%. The interest rate for nonprofits is 2.75%.
- The loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other business expenses. SBA offers loans with loan terms of up to 30 years in order to keep payments affordable.
- Loan terms are determined on a case-by-case basis, based upon each borrower’s ability to repay.
- The Application Filing Deadline: December 21, 2020.
Recent Changes to SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program:
The SBA’s EIDL program was extended to all small businesses affected by COVID-19, but the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) Act expands this program and makes it easier to apply.
Recent changes to the EIDL program include:
- EIDL loans are also now available to Tribal businesses, cooperatives and ESOPs with fewer than 50 employees.
- EIDL loans are also now available to all non-profit organizations, including 501(c)(6)s, and to businesses operating as sole proprietors or independent contractors.
- EIDL loans smaller than $200,000 can now be approved without a personal guaranty.
- EIDL loans can now be approved by the SBA solely on the basis of an applicant’s credit score.
For more information on the SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program click here.
For information on SBA’s disaster declaration in Virginia click here.
Paid Sick Time and Family Leave Required by the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) requires certain employers to provide their employees with paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. These provisions will apply from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.
Paid Leave Entitlements
- Generally, employers covered under the Act must provide employees:
- 100% for qualifying reasons #1-3 below, up to $511 daily and $5,110 total;
- 2/3 for qualifying reasons #4 and 6 below, up to $200 daily and $2,000 total;
- Up to 10 weeks more of paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave paid at 2/3 for qualifying reason #5 below for up to $200 daily and $12,000 total.
A part-time employee is eligible for leave for the number of hours that the employee is normally scheduled to work over that period.
Eligible Employees
In general, employees of private sector employers with fewer than 500 employees, and certain public sector employers, are eligible for up to two weeks of full or partially paid sick leave for COVID-19 related reasons (see below).
Employees who have been employed for at least 30 days prior to their leave request may be eligible for up to an additional 10 weeks of partially paid expanded family and medical leave for reason #5 below.
Qualifying Reasons for Leave Related to COVID-19
An employee is entitled to take leave related to COVID-19 if the employee is unable to work, including unable to telework, because the employee:
- is subject to a Federal, State, or local quarantine or isolation order related to COVID-19;
- has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine related to COVID-19;
- is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and is seeking a medical diagnosis;
- is caring for an individual subject to an order described in (1) or self-quarantine as described in (2)
- is caring for his or her child whose school or place of care is closed (or child care provider is unavailable) due to COVID-19 related reasons; or
- is experiencing any other substantially-similar condition specified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
For more details on FFCRA visit here.
Virginia Small Business State Taxes
Sales Tax Filing and Payment Extension & Penalty Waiver
Businesses impacted by coronavirus can request an extension of the due date for filing and payment of their February 2020 sales tax return due March 20, 2020, for 30 days. When granted, businesses will be able to file and pay no later than April 20, 2020 with a waiver of any penalties.
Income Tax Payment Extension & Penalty Waiver
Any income tax payments due during the time period of April 1, 2020, to June 1, 2020, will now be due on June 1, 2020. This includes individual and corporate income taxes paid to Virginia Tax.
Late payment penalties will not be charged if payments are made by June 1, 2020. However, interest will still accrue, so if you can pay by the original filing due date, you should.
All income tax filing deadlines remain the same, including the May 1, 2020 individual income tax filing due date. However, Virginia does already have an automatic, 6-month extension to file (7 months for certain corporations). If you file during the extension period, make sure you still pay any taxes owed by June 1, 2020 to avoid penalties.
USDA Commodity Food Program
VDACS has received a USDA waiver to allow for seniors over 60 participating in the USDA Commodity Food Program to receive their monthly food and to minimize physical contact during the COVID-19 outbreak. Participants are no longer required to sign for the food they receive. Additionally, participants are able to receive two boxes every other month rather than one box monthly. This will minimize the number of distributions without limiting the amount of food.
Food Insecurity
Individuals in the Commonwealth who are experiencing food insecurity are encouraged to visit this site to locate a food bank nearest to them.
Stay Informed
- Get updated information about how the Commonwealth is responding and supporting Virginians impacted by the spread of coronavirus, or COVID-19
- For health information about coronavirus/COVID-19, visit the Center for Disease Control’s website
- To learn how the IRS is responding, and for information about federal tax relief, visit the IRS’s website.
- The US Department of the Treasury also has information
Paycheck Protection Program
If you are considering or plan to apply for federal stimulus financial relief via the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), we want to make sure you have the following updated information in what is a rapidly developing application process:
- If you have an existing banking relationship, reach out now to get on their PPP list and so they will share with you the most updated information about how they are structuring their application process. We’ve confirmed that Blue Ridge Bank, Wells Fargo, and Atlantic Union Bank are participating.
- If you don’t have an existing banking relationship, please reference the SBA 7(a) lender list, but understand that some banks have made the decision to only work with current customers and if you register with a new bank there may be a delay in processing.
- The final PPP application will be different from the one that’s been circulating. It will include much of the same information so you may be able to transfer parts of it over BUT do not submit unless your bank confirms it is the final application.
- We’ve created a memo on financial relief available to nonprofits which we’ll be updating as often as we have reliable information. Please reference it as often as you can – perhaps mid-morning and mid-afternoon each business day.
- We will be hosting Virtual Town Halls every week in the month of April to support nonprofits seeking federal stimulus relief funds. All are welcome to join.
- Please continue to contingency plan as though you do not and will not have the funds because the need is greater than the funds available, and the funds will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Paycheck Protection Program prioritizes millions of Americans employed by small businesses by authorizing up to $349 billion toward job retention and certain other expenses.
Small businesses and eligible nonprofit organizations, Veterans organizations, and Tribal businesses described in the Small Business Act, as well as individuals who are self-employed or are independent contractors, are eligible if they also meet program size standards.
Under this program:
- Eligible recipients may qualify for a loan up to $10 million determined by 8 weeks of prior average payroll plus an additional 25% of that amount.
- Loan payments will be deferred for six months.
- If you maintain your workforce, SBA will forgive the portion of the loan proceeds that are used to cover the first 8 weeks of payroll and certain other expenses following loan origination.
Resources / Documents:
- Paycheck Protection Program Borrower Application Form
- SBA Lender Link –
- Paycheck Protection Program Interim Final Rule
- Click here to learn more
Virginia active 7a SBA lenders:
- NCB Financial Corporation
- National Credit Union Administration
- Virginia National Bank
- New Peoples Bank, Inc.
- Towne Bank
- Village Bank
- Blue Ridge Bank, National Association
- MainStreet Bank
- HSBC Bank USA, National Association
- Sonabank
- John Marshall Bank
- Chain Bridge Bank, National Association
- FVCbank
- Virginia Partners Bank
- VCC Bank
- Cornerstone Bank, National Association
- Oak View National Bank
- New Horizon Bank, National Association
- Capital One, National Association
- Atlantic Union Bank
- Navy FCU
- Northwest FCU
- Arlington Community FCU
- Langley FCU
- Newport News Shipbuilding Empl CU Inc d/b/a BayPort CU
- Chartway FCU
- Pentagon FCU
- Park View FCU
- Freedom First FCU
- University of Virginia Community CU, Inc.
- The National Bank of Blacksburg
- Citizens Bank and Trust Company
- Central Virginia FCU
- The Bank of Southside Virginia
- American National Bank and Trust Company
- United Bank
- The Bank of Fincastle
- The Old Point National Bank of Phoebus
- Skyline National Bank
- Virginia Commonwealth Bank
- The First Bank and Trust Company
- Pioneer Bank
- Farmers & Merchants Bank
- The Fauquier Bank
- Citizens and Farmers Bank
- First Community Bank
- Business Finance Group, Inc.
Other Helpful Links
Small Business loan opportunities for Veterans
Culpeper Economic Development Resources
Small Business Resource Center
NonProfit Virtual Fundraising Tips
Culpeper Chamber of Commerce
629 Sperryville Pike
Suite 100
Culpeper, VA 22701
Phone: 540.825.8628