Advertise With Us
The Chamber offers several ways to promote and advertise your business:
Chamber Partnerships
The Chamber offers yearly Chamber Partnership’s Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Business Partners. Our Partnership Programs include exclusive advertising, event, and networking opportunities. Chamber partners can position their business to become better integrated in the business community enhancing opportunities to drive market awareness of their products and services.
These partnerships come with year round recognition in a variety of mediums driving your business’s branding and marketing efforts.
Our success is predicated on yours, therefore we are always looking for new ways and ideas that provide the support our members and their businesses need to grow and prosper, so each partnership can be customized to align with the needs of the business, it’s goals, objectives and budget.
For more information please contact amy@culpeperchamber.com or call us at 540 825 8628.
Webpage Ads
All Chamber members are eligible to purchase ad space that shows up on our various web pages, such as the home page, events calendar page, member search results pages, etc. at this website. Please contact us for details: 540-825-8628
Lobby Advertising
As a benefit of membership, you may display your standard sized business card in the lobby of the Chamber of Commerce. You may also display a rack card or brochure that measures no larger than 4” x 9”. You may drop your materials off during regular business hours, or mail them to us for display, at 629 Sperryville Pike, Suite 100, Culpeper VA 22701.
Website Directory
All Chamber members are listed on the Chamber website in the Membership Directory at no additional charge. The directory can be searched by the name of your business or by the business category. Your contact information is provided as well as a link to your website, if available.
Social Media
Once you have your event flyer digitally crafted, you may email it to us for promotion across our Social Media channels. When you enter your event, hot deal, or news release into your member log in, it will automatically post to our Social Media channels.
Community Guide and Membership Directory
This Guide is a terrific marketing tool available only for Chamber members to promote their businesses to other area businesses, individuals, newcomers and visitors. The Guide provides vital community resources and business networking information which members use throughout the year with 8,000 copies distributed. All Chamber members are listed in the Guide and a variety of paid advertising opportunities are available.
Chamber Newsletter
Upon joining the Chamber, your contact information will be listed in the New Member section of the next edition of the newsletter. If you have information about a new employee, special awards and certifications, etc. these news announcements can be listed in the Members in the News column.
Sponsorship/Marketing Opportunities
CulpeperFest, Membership Before or After Hour Networking Socials, LeadShare, Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet, Women’s Lift Event, Young Professional’s events and Chamber Sponsorships.

Culpeper Chamber of Commerce
629 Sperryville Pike
Suite 100
Culpeper, VA 22701
Phone: 540.825.8628